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What I learned in the story and through connections was how unfair it was. On the Animal Farm the pigs had the best life but the animals had the worst life.

What I learned while doing the hexagon activity were connections about all the meanings behind quotes and characters had. It had also helped me understand the connections the book had.

After doing the activity, I learned that the power that the Animal farm has was passed throughout many people. Even after it was passed through many people it always tended to end up in the wrong hands and it caused more bad than good. The power also tended to be abused and tweaked so that they could get their way.

When I did the Hexagon activity, I learned that Animal farm characters, quotes, and symbols are all connected one way or another.

In Animal Farm their are many connections throughout the book. A lot of things connect that you wouldn't think would. The hexagon activity helped me understand more thoroughly all the connections throughout the book more deeply.

I learned how Animal Farms characters have related to each other from the start of the book till the end and that many of the actions portrayed are justified using quotes from the book.


-Maddox Y

I learned that there are more connections between things than what you see at first. For example when I think of Boxer I just think of a hard worker but after what we did in class today I found out Boxer can also connect to the working class. Making these deeper connections will help me when reading other books in the future.

With the hexagon activity we did today I learned that there is more to Animal Farm than what is on the surface. I realized that certain things, quotes, and people are related to each other due to the theme of the story.


- Kailey Kleppin

After doing the hexagon activity I learned that throughout the book, Animal farm has been connecting the beginning to end the entire book. The connections I discovered led to new insights because I realized a lot of characters are similar to each other that i did not connect earlier.

-Bailie Gibson

I leaned that some thing that i did not expect were connected in the story

The connections showed stuff that i saw but never understood it

It helped e think of all of the connections throughout the book.

The author connected the character and events throughout the story to show that you shouldn't abuse the power your given. The connections showed and confirmed some of the things u have seen in the story, like how old major thought of equality and spoke of it than causing the animals to revolt. This challenged my brain because I had to think of new way things could connect

I learned more about Animal Farm by learning how all the animals and topics connected to one another. The connections also helped me create new understandings of the novel by showing how the author decided to put it together. In a way, the author made it like a puzzle. Finally, it challanged my thinking by having to connect the themes.

I learned how the author connected the characters and events to show that there's inequality thoughout the story.

The connections showed stuff i've noticed but never fully understanded, for example I didn't realize how similar jones and neapolan seem.

It challenged my thinking by thinkiing of all of the connections and representaltions by the animals.

- Ashton Jones

3. Talking with my table really helped my understanding on the story. All of my thoughts and ideas went into more depth with the conversation we had and with the hexagon activity.

2. The connections I made with the story helped me realize how much everything Napoleon did is actually used in the real world. Fear, decreasing the competition, all of the cruel things he did is used today, everywhere.


Tahj Banai

1. Through the hexagon activity I got a more elaborate understanding about what Napoleon really did in the story. The things he did to project fear on the animals, the type of things he did to gain power, who he really was.


Tahj Banai

P4 - Animal Farm Exit Ticket