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This activity helped me see the connections between characters throughout the book.


this activity helped me realize what quotes actually connected with characters and how they matched their personality.

This activity helped me understand the book better. Also there were many connections in this book.


I realized that the quotes connected to words and the words connected to people. It helped me understand the story better.

this activity made me realize how important each theme is to another they all connect and make up the story-kambri

 I learned that since every one believes in nopoleon and is scared of him hes always gonna be right and is good at minupulating.



This activity showed that there are many connections and themes in Animal farm.

- abigail

Aubrie Schaible

This project helped me learn that when comparing things that happened in the story to real life things, I have a better understanding about the book

I've learned a lot from animal farm, there is good and bad people. There are different themes to this book and I've learned the difference between when someone is trying to be controlling over you or when they are asking you to do a simple task. Overall Animal farm has pros and cons the book was a great one. -Ethan Howe

there are many connections in animal farm. Napolean had all the power because they think he is right all the time

The activity helped me realize there are many connections in Animal Farm and that there are different themes.



Ian Horvath

I learned that the animals all have to do with something in the story that is important.




Alec Robison

I learned how the characters in animal Farm relate to eachother and what they said that was important

It was interesting to see all the points of view and see the connections more deeply and it made me understand it more.

-Ava Jones

I learned that many of the animals believe in Napoleon. So Napoleon has power because they think he is always right.

The activity creates deeper connections that are more visually summarizing, as we can make more transparent connections with characters and their intentions or understandings. The connections made with the characters show the more expanded version that can also be represented with visuals to create a better understanding for the individuals and their goals as well.


-Aiden Hata

It made realize just how much stuff was connected and how much stuff was related. Also how characters and quotes resemble each other.

You got to see the connections and how things are together and mean the same things and. Example would be how Jones not treating the animals right caused the revolution and i didn't put two and two together and figured that out. Marlee Mueller

Addison Wesloski


I learned the many different themes of Animal Farm. The connection led to how Jones treated the animals.

The hexagon activity helped me realize that everything can connect to just one thing. An example of this is that Boxer and Napoleon relate due to Boxer's quote "Napoleon is always right". Boxer took on this quote ever since Napoleon had taken over.

-Molly Bradley

It helped me connect things that made a lot of sense and to delve deeper into the story line.I made connections with other characters and how some characters went together better then I had previously thought.

Listing these connections helped me get a deeper understanding of the story and what times were like during the Russian revolution. I never imagined that life could be so brutal and it makes me more appriciative for what I have today. Last year we briefly went over the Russian revolution but I never heard about the grusome details such as in Animal Farm. I also learned how Russia went from a dictatorship to a democracy back to a worse dictatorship.


-Carter Gross

P5 - Animal Farm Exit Ticket