When people have reach a certain point in life a very high point as a leader it can change people and cause them to be corrupted.- andrew marquez

I feel like I learned that you can always connect something to another thing. I understand now that only people in power become corrupt, getting more and more greedy the more power they get. I feel like I was challenged by the hexagon activity because I had to think about the novel in ways I have never before to make connections.

I learned through this activity how much Benjamin really knew about but didn’t say, he could of brought everyone to their right minds but he didn’t. This activity also opened my eyes to much was truly unfair, and that everything Napoleon did and has all surrounds him benefiting himself and never helping the working class which is the opposite of what was supposed to happen when the animals took over the farm from Mr. Jones. The working class just wants and needs true equality which at first they were tricked into thinking they had but they never really did.

I learned that everything was much more connected than I originally thought/realized. I mostly just thought that there were multiple unrelated stories going on, but this showed me that the plot never changed, and the story was all connected. Seeing this also showed me a more clear theme, that every bit of the story was trying to show. Organizing the hexagons with my partner helped us combine our knowledge, and bettered out understanding about the connections in Animal Farm.

I learned that people can become corrupted just from being a leader over a small amount of people.

I learned how many connections there actually were with all the themes and different characters. It showed me how I can relate and see insight to the other characters in the story. It showed how our opinions and interpretations differed and were similar while talking.
-Kenzie Cousins

I learned and realized just how much cause and effect there was that happened in the story. It was because of Old Major that all the animals started to despise all humans. It's because of that hatred that the revolution started. It's because of the revolution that Napoleon eventually grew to power, etc.
The connections we made helped me develop new understandings of Animal Farm because finding these connections helped me think more about the character development throughout the story, and the events that happened, and what led up to them, which helped me understand the story better.
The discussion with my peers helped me think more how all of the characters that never really interacted, were connected in ways I wouldn't have realized before doing this activity, which made me think more.

Through this activity I learned that more characters and quotes from Animal Farm connect with each other than I thought. Some of these I had just now realized when they were all laid out in front of me. This helped me understand the book more by recognizing more connections that can help me further understand the book. At some points when we were talking it became a little difficult because one thing wouldn't connect with another so we really thought about it and switched some things around and finally got it.
-Sophia Edwards

In the activity I learned all of the things Old Major wished for the animals did not happen.This helped me understand how Napoleon was such a dictator and he wanted to be the only one in control. Talking with others helped me truly see the wrong doings of Napoleon and it helped me see what every character represented and why.

I learned that Animal Farm connects a lot of it's things together, so the whole story can tie itself together.
The connections I made, gave me brand new insights about Animal Farm, like how foreshadowing and paying attention to the little things that matter.
My peers enlightened my thinking and helped me see the novel how they were seeing it.
Lailiah Lewis