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I used to think the walk was hard, but not to far away. Now, I think it is very difficult to carry the water, not once, but twice a day for a far distance, and that is not fair when for us, it comes right into are house.

I used to think that water scarcity was extremely rare and almost unheard of, but now I know that it is a major problem that many people face worldwide, and that every drop of water is precious.

I used to think water was just a resource everyone had. Since it takes over 70% of our planet I just assumed most people had access to clean or at least salted water, but now I know how hard it really is for people to get the water. Let alone walk miles on end to get water that they know will get them sick later, only because they have to survive.

I used to think water was cheap and everybody had access to it but now I know that water is very hard to get and it's not the cost that's the problem.

I used to think it was easy to get water from a river, and that it was not far, but know I think it is extreamly diffucult to get water, and ever harder to get safe clean water.


I have often taken for granted the privileges I've had, receiving things without much thought. It's hard to realize that while I have easy access to resources, others have to fight for access to even basic necessities like clean water. They face serious health risks from all the dangerous, harmful bacteria in the water that they worked to get.

I used to think that people would just live near areas of water once they found them, but now I think it’s not so easy to do that.

water should be avalible to evrey one

Until now, I really thought that everyone had the opportunity to drink and bath in fresh water, and not have to walk miles to get dirty, unhealthy water. Also I did not know that many people didn't have toilets. Now I think that I am very lucky to have fresh water, and a place to use the restroom.

I used to think everyone has access to clean water but now I think many people do not.

I used to think that the water problem wasn't that bad in Africa but now i think that it is very bad and needs to be fixed soon.

I used to think that no matter what, everyone would have some source of water, but now i can realize that for some people it is very hard to find and takes a long journey.

I used to think people in Africa with no running water had to walk for it but now I know that not only do they have to walk for it but it still is not safe.

I used to think it was easy for everyone to live and come by life but now I think how life has become so much difficult especially for certain people who struggle.

Bridge: I used to think everything in life would come easy for me. But now I think not everything is so easy its handed to you sometimes you have to work for what you want.

I used to think that water was drinkable everywhere but now I think that some places without not good for them.

I used to think everyone has water and doesn't need to work for it but now i think it is a luxury and i'm lucky to have it.

I used to think that water was easier to find, but now I understand how hard the journey is to get it. -aaliyah raffle


i used to think that everyone had water, whenever they wanted. but now i think, and i know that some people have to walk miles and miles just to get water every day.

I used to think it was okay and everyone may get by fine. I didn’t think that many people died from dirty water. Now, I realize how important it is to have clean water. Now, I think that we should be concerned about this and help them.

 used to think water was a human right, but now i think its a luxury that 2 billion people don’t have access to safely

i used to think water was not a big problem in Africa because all i've ever known is having water coming strait to my kitchen but now i know that lack of water is a very big problem

I used to think that people had fresh new water everywhere, but know I think that people aren't able to live that long because of the unclean water.

I used to think that the people had a way of getting fresh water and people were helping them, But now I think that people should commit themselves more to helping the people of Africa.

I used to think that everyone could get water from their house but now I think that people have to make many long trips to get one day's worth of water.

I used to think that when they would go and get water it would not take as long as 1 hour a little bit less but now I understand that it takes most of there day to actually get the water that they need.

i used to think that all around the world food and water were not a problem but in real life its the opposite

I used to think that the water problem was not that bad in Africa, But now I think that it is really bad and needs to be solved.

I used to think water was abundant everywhere but now I know it is not.

I used to think that more people were kind-hearted and would donate to causes to help people with less fortune with stuff like water and all, but now I think that people are too selfish to even donate a singular penny for people to get things like food and water. Especially water.

I used to think that the water was far to walk to but safe to drink, but now i know that you have to be really fortunate to have clean water and people get sick from it. I realized how luck we are to live in united states and have those things.

I used to think that water in Africa was drinkable and safe for people, but now I have realized that it has many diseases and you can get sick because of the water.

I used to think that they all lived close to a river but now I see that it's not all that easy.

I used to think that they would have a river to walk to and only about 10-30 minutes but know I understand much more that they have to find clean water and walk about 2 hours there and then 2 hours back with 70 gallons on their back.

I used to think think that water was not that scarce. But now I think every single little drop of water is precious to them

I used to think water was not hard to find now I think it is.

I used to think that Africans only had to walk for about 30 mins. Now I realize that they have to walk for hours there and back

I used to think that the people in Africa only had to walk 1-2 miles but in reality they have to walk more than that.

I used to think that they didn't have that type of life. But now I think that they don't have that life and have very hard struggles.

I used to think that people would only have to walk 10 or 20 minutes to get water but now I know they need need to walk several hours to get there and back.

I used to think people in africa were able to find what they needed, when they needed, but now I think they need as much help as everyone should get.

I used to think they have a river in front of their house and they could just get clean water, but I was wrong and didn't know that they could get leeches and other sickness in their drinks.

I used to think that people had a pond in the middle of a village but now I realize that people have to walk miles and miles just to get water that might be dangerous to there health.

I used to think sustainability was staying in one place for a long time, but now I think it is way more important to people and the way of life.

I used to think that Africans got water from a flowing river and it was clean, but now I think they get it from a dirty pond and it can get them sick.

I used to think the water was clean and easy to get but now I know how many hours people struggle to get just a small amount of it.

I use to think that a lot of the villages in Africa had better water quality but now i see that the water in most aren't good.

I used to think Africa was in need of water but now I realize the severity of the situation and the reality of it.

I usd to think that sustainability was about happing an ability to keep something, but now I know its dedication to do something

I used to think sustainability is just to sustain and be resilient. I didn't know how VERY important water was!

Now I now it's to have good health to be able to sustain.

I used to think that sustainability for water wasn't too bad because you could boil the water that you found and not be sick, but that is not always the case. It is a long journey just to get contaminated water.

I used to think they did not have to walk that far and they had their houses next to the water so they could go outside and get the water but they had to walk so far, but now I think that we should put more wells for them which is clean water and they don't have to walk so far.

I used to think that most water was drinkable, and was easier to find. But now I understand that the struggle to find water is really hard in these areas and it is not always safe to drink.

I used to think that the water problem in Africa was under control, but now I know what a hard time they still have and how much things need to change.

I used to think that water wasn’t that important, but now I think that water is a very important component of life.

I used to think that is wasn’t to hard getting water in Africa and that the water was clean but now I think that people struggle a lot and take most of their day to get water that isn’t even clean.

I used to think they never got water but now I think they have to work hard to get water.

I used to think dirty water wasn't drinkable, but now I know that it IS drinkable, but it's gross and can give you diseases.

I used to think that sustainability was more about food waste, but now I realize that it applies to water just as much.

I used to think that water was not a big deal but now I think that we have a big privilege to be able to get free water.

I used to think that the water in Africa wasn't that bad, but know I know that it is.

I used to think water was easy for everyone to get, but now I think water is a chore for people in Africa

I used to think water is cheap, but now I think we are lucky to have so much water

I used to think sustainablitiy wasnt such a big deal but now I know its super important.

I used to think sustain water wasn’t a big deal but now i think it is.

I used to not realize how important water is and how big of a problem it is to have for some people. Now I think I should be grateful that I am able to have accessable clean drinking water.

I used to think all people had water in a sink but now i think that some people don't

I used to think Sudan had oases for people but now I think Sudan is just a desert we there is only small amounts of water.

I used to think water was an easy thing to find for them but now I think it’s one the hardest things for them to find.

I used to think everyone had water, but now I think water needs to be saved because some people don’t.

I used to think that the sustainable water problem wasn't so bad but now I think it is.

I used to think that sustainability wasn't that difficult but now I think it is costly and arduous.

I used to think that sustainability was something that could be ignored, but now I think that is one of the most important things in this world.

I used to think everyone had water, but now I think you only have it if you are lucky

I used to think that almost everybody had access to clean water, but now I realize that millions of people can't access it.

I used to think that the only problem in Africa was their lack of water. Now I realize that sanitation is also a big part of that problem.

I used to think water was only useful to live, but now I think about how many other thing people can accomplish if the don’t have to spend their lives fetching water.

I used to think that water was the only problem but now I know that sanitation is also a problem.

I used to think water issues were a small problem, but now I think they will just keep growing bigger.

 I used to think that humans have almost solved the water issue, but now I know that it is growing and not getting better.

i used to think water wasnt sustainable now i think it is

ALWTW - Bridge Statement