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A hare and a fox were travelling together. It was wintertime, nothing green

was growing, and neither mouse nor louse crept through the fields. “This is

hungry weather,” the fox said to the hare, “my insides are all laced

together.” “Indeed,” the hare replied, “all this land belongs to Fasting Farm,

and I would eat my own ears if I could get them into my mouth.”

So they trotted hungrily on, side by side. Then in the distance they

saw a country girl coming towards them, carrying a small basket; and from

the basket a pleasant smell wafted towards the fox and the hare, the smell

of fresh rolls. “I’ll tell you what,” said the fox, “lie down flat and pretend to be

dead. The girl will lay down her basket so she can lift you up and obtain

your poor pelt, for gloves are made from hare skins; in the meantime, I’ll

snatch the rolls, which will give us some comfort.”

The hare did as the fox had advised, falling down and pretending to

be dead, and the fox dived behind a snowdrift. The girl came along, saw the

still fresh hare lying sprawled out on the ground, put the basket down as

expected, and bent over the hare. At that moment the fox darted out,

snatched the basket, and swept across country; the hare suddenly came to

life and hurriedly followed his companion. But the fox would not stop, and

he showed no sign of sharing the rolls, rather making it clear that he was

going to eat them all himself. The hare took this sorely amiss.

An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty and three years.

The old man caught fish with a seine,

The old woman spun her yarn.

One day he cast the seine into the sea,

The seine came with only mud.

A girl had grandma. she went to her grandma's house.The girl met with a wolf. He said he wanted to present a present to the Grandma.

An old man and an old woman lived. They had a daughter and a little son.

-Daughter, daughter!- said the mother.- We'll go to work, bring you a bun, sew you a dress, buy you a kerchief; be smart, take care of your little brother, don't leave the yard.

The elders left. The daughter forgot what she was told. She sat her little brother down on the grass under the window. She ran out into the street, got carried away playing, and went for a walk.

                    V.Nadya A.

4 grade