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I am Alyona Kurnosova, my birthday is January 17th and I live in losiny

Dear Alexandra,


It's my birthday on the five December, and I'm having a party! Can you come? My address is Krylatskoye metro station. The party starts at 3 o'clock. Come on!


Love, Misha Bolkovoy

It’s my birthday on the 25 of february and I’m having a big party! Can you come dear teacher ? My address is London, Green street. The party begins at 7 o’clock. Be there please!



Арсений Есипов

Dear Alexandra Sergeevna,

It`s my birthday on the twenty-fourth of June and I`m having a party! Can you come? My adress is Tverskaya area, Lazurnaya village, Lesnaya Street, 63. The party begins at four o`clock. Be there!



Dear Alexandra!

It's my birthday on the thirty-first of July and I'm having a party. Can you come? My dress is 22 Povarskaya. The party begins at five o'clock. Be there!



Dear Alexandra,

It’s my birthday on the seventh of May and I’m having a party! Can you come? My address is 5 Anichkovo. The party begins at two o’clock. Be there!





🎂Dear Alexandra!

My birthday on March 12th.

I live in Russia Pension 15th.

I'm waiting you on Birthday party!



Dear Alexandra

It is my birthdayon the twenty two of December and I am have a party! Can you come?My address is 79 pease avenue.The party begins at four o'clock.Be there!
