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When I was in 4th grade, my best friend and I were walking home from school.

It was a spring day, the sun was shining in our faces, the birds were singing, nothing foreshadowed trouble.

When my friend and I were 10 meters from the shop, I heard a terrible roar of an engine,

I told her: Do you hear the roar? Let's turn back.

We turned and screamed at the whole street at the same time, out of fear. Behind us was a huge truck. Near us there was a curb 120 cm high, and in fear we jumped into this high curb, a car passed, we stood up and saw that our knees and hands were covered in mud, we looked at each other and laughed.

And we went home, dirty as pigs.

This story is not very scary, it is more funny.

But I'm glad I shared my story.

(There are phrases that I took from Google Translator, for example: ничего не предвещало беды - nothing foreshadowed trouble).




One day my brother and I decided to take a walk in the field. We decided to talk about scary stories. There is a sign when you go to the field, you can not talk about mystical creatures, otherwise they may appear. And it happened. A mystical dog appeared in front of us, 2 meters tall with a big smile. Where all his teeth were visible! My brother and I stood and looked at the dog, and the dog looked at us. We became very scared and decided to run away. She rushed after us, and it happened so fast that my brother overtook me. The dog almost grabbed me. My brother was brave, he came running and grabbed my hand, and we ran home together. The dog is about to catch up with us. And he's trying to grab us with his teeth. Well, everything worked out. And we ran home. We didn't tell anyone from our parents, but we told our sister. Who didn't believe it. Since then, we have not gone to this field.





One day, when I was walking in the park with my younger brother, a young women came up to us and gave my brother a beautiful doll. She said: “Baby, I want to give you this doll.” Tikhon loves to play with dolls. And so he gratefully accepted the gift and we moved on. Then I was not surprised by that situation, but it’s a pity. We came home and my brother immediately ran to play with a new toy. It was time to go to bed and Tikhon took the doll with him to bed. In the morning I went to wake up my brother at kindergarten. I went into their room and started shaking him. But he didn't wake up! I pulled the blanket off him and screamed. Tikhon's body was not there. There was only one head on the pillow! I sank to the floor and saw a doll that had been picked up by a mysterious stranger yesterday. The doll lay without a head. I quickly crawled to the side and quickly ran out of my brother’s room. Mom was at work. I ran outside and called the police. The apartment is still under investigation. My mother and I live with my grandmother.


Masha Osadchaya
