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In my opinion, based on my culture, the attachment style differs in aspect of gender and the order of the siblings. Males are expected to be more independent and portray good image while females need to obey rules given by fathers or male siblings. Also, first female and first male siblings in the family are expected to be the well-behaved one. Attachment style could change over time because my parents are both working and we are being taken care of by helpers and drivers. Other than that, we don't spend much time with our parents due to their work commitment hence the weaker bond. I can say that we group up in a dysfunctional family. We become distant to each other and never discussing important matters that involves being vulnerable.


- Sabrina



Pada pandangan saya, gaya keterikatan ini akan berubah mengikut umur. Yang mana, ketika kita kecil, gaya keterikatan ini sangat kuat. Yang mana, perhatian yang tinggi amat diberikan. Dalam budaya saya, kanak² sangat diberikan perhatian dan tidak boleh ditinggalkan sewaktu kecil. Kerana mereka takut bayi tersebut akan dinganggu oleh makhluk halus. Apabila meningkat dewasa, perhatian yang diberikan agak kurang sedikit kerana ibu bapa perlu mengajar anak yang telah dewasa untuk berdikari

In my opinion the style of attachment can change over time. Based on my culture, parents will give adequate attention to children and try their best to meet the needs despite having economic problems. As children get older they will be less dependent on their parents and more independent to meet their own needs. (Feyrashandy Hanlin Hanis)

 In my opinion, attachment styles can change over time when parents pay less attention to their children and more concerned about their work. i also feel the attitude of some parents towards children can also affect the anxious feelings of their children. For example, in my culture, a father more assertive towards children even as the age of the children has increase. The result of such parental assertiveness can also entice children become anxious ambivalent,avoidant and disorganized. - nadia

Based on my culture, what can be seen is that the Style of attachment will change based on changes or shifts in the situation. For example, when I was in the kid's category, my parents were very aware of what I was doing especially playing outside with friends. But when you are in your teens, this is where you will be pushed to get used to living independently.




Zakri Kassim

In my family, attachment style will slowly decline over time. For example, during infant period, parents would usually give much attention to us and play a lot. However, as time goes by, during my high school times, my parents give less attention such as let me solve my own problem and make decision for myself. It is because they want me to be more independent.

From what i see in my culture (Dusun). Attachment between the child and parents can change overtime. Anxious avoidant is the attachment that we can see in my culture because child was close to uncle and aunty. They can be mad to the child when they were too naughty or enjoy playing with other. Sometimes whenthe child grow, the attachment will change to securely attached where the children were close to the parents and the attachment will effect the child's later life. -Nadirah

Eve Angela


Attachment style is built in childhood and typically maintained throughout life. But in most situations, it may change due to life experiences, personal growth or in between relationships. In my culture, most infants are securely attached with their parents or caregivers. As the infants grow older, they are somehow exposed to different surroundings and this might influence the attachment style they first developed with their primary attachment figure.

Berdasarkan budaya saya, ibu yang akan bertanggungjawab dalam mendidik anak-anak dan bapa hanya bertanggungjawab dalam menyediakan nafkah kepada keluarga.


Jasrol Malubin

In my culture, more like in my household, my parents tend to apply the anxious/disorganized style often, due to the anxiety of finding the appropriate job to take care of the household. Whereas both my parents work, not determining which one is the breadwinner.

- Suwiytha Kriethy Suppramaniam



"In my opinion, attachment style really changes through time (maybe economic status also influence the attachment between child and parents). For example in Malay culture (I take myself as example), when I was a kid, my mom was always by my side to help me doing school work. But now, I can say that she is no longer aware of what my younger siblings do at home. She don't know what homework they have, do they finish their homework, etc. Children are more attached to friends or gadget."

Hello, my name is gearry.I think that attachment styles can be change through modern lifestyles since we now have seen that there are many children that are spending more time with their device rather than with their parents and it same goes to the parents as well rather than spending more time with their children the some parents spend more time with their devices such as mobile phone and this is also applies in my culture.



based on my culture, attachment styles can change especially when the child has grown up, they will be less attached to parents or guardians because they are educated to do things without having to depend on parents and need to be mature. For example, when they were small they ate bribed by their mother or father, when they grew up they had to eat on their own without being bribed.



Attachment styles can be change over time as the parents grew older and the children grown up. In my culture and my own experience, secure attachment does exist but overprotective and ignorance parenting always make the child feel insecure. They tend to decide everything and less likely to accept their children opinion and feeling. They always say " what will people think?"

So, it will change after the children manage to decide for their own and finally the parents decide to be open for changes.

Attachment style can change in my culture especially according to one's age. In my culture it is believed that children needs more attention and love from the parents; making them securely attached to them. As these children grow older, parents often would be less attached as they feel like their children has 'grown up'. At this point some actions such as 'boys don't hug' or 'big kids do not cry' is implement making the child feel less and less attached to their parents.

-Nur Diana



In my culture, well technically in my family la. The attachment style gets weaker(like wouldn’t show very obvious signs of care) as they grow older in name of independence. Starts to be strict and all. And once done with college they’ll start to get close to us again as at that time it really feels weird to reconnect after a big gap. And it kinda remains in an awkward stage ever since.

i think the attachments style will change follow by the year. This is because as year pass, the culture also will change follow by year. The old style maybe suitable for year before but it is not suitable for now. -Yong

Nurul Akmar Muhd Sani

I believe attachment style changes over time because the current generation will realize the effect of bad attachment of their parents so they want to imply healthy attachment style towards their children and it will be pass on the next generation

In my culture, as modern parents, they tend to focus more on works, hence their attachment styles affect to their children. most parents practice anxious/disorganised style, which causes them to have self-disrupt behaviour

- Muhammad Fiqry bin Mohd Yazid

i think attachment styles could be changes over time if we married with someone different from our culture. it will different in terms of how we taking care child. Based on my culture bajau children need sleepping together with parents untill their able to sleeping alone- HAZRATUL


The attachment style will change with circumstances especially when the attachment figure (usually parents) is gone. For example in malay culture, the eldest daughter will take the responsibility to take care of the family. If the father die, the eldest son will take responsibility as bread winner. This is only of the children are old enough, but if not, other guardian will take over and the style will change accordingly.

Task 2: Please upload your PowerPoint 1 slide (which needs to convert to pdf) here with all the members' names! The most creative group will be rewarded, and the reward will credit to your e-wallet. =) Let's start the game!

Task 1: How attachment styles can be changed over time based on your culture? Do share your thoughts here! =)

Please write down your name before writing your thoughts.

The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life
Lecture 9