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We enjoyed working on this project very much. It was our first eTwinning project we’d joined and I really appreciate clear and very interesting project plan and organization. All the activities were great, students loved posting cards to other countries - they’ve learned new words in other languages. They were really excited to be connected with other countries online and play the quiz. Thank you very much again.

ZŠ T.G. Masaryka Opava, Czech Republic



Učeći jezike, gradimo mostove među kulturama. Hvala svim projektnim partnerima koji su doprinijeli uspješnosti ovoga projekta. Na našim smo čestitkama na različitim jezicima pročitali poruke mira i tolerancije. Bilo mi je veliko zadovoljstvo upoznati divne ljude i surađivati s njima.




By learning a language, we build bridges between cultures. Thank you to all the project partners who contributed to the success of this project. It was a great pleasure to meet wonderful people and work with them.




Ivanka Tomić, prof. hrvatskoga jezika


OŠ "Pavao Belas", Croatia

This was our first eTwinning project. Me and my students were enjoying it really much. We were having a lot of fun and also we have learned a lot about different languages and cultures.

The students loved the Kahoot and making the e-cards :)

It was lovely to work with all of you and I really hope to meet you again in some other projects.


Veronika Frešer

2. osnovna šola Slovenska Bistirca, Slovenia

Mi smo drugi razred osnovne škole i nije nam bilo lako pisati ni hrvatskim jezikom , jer smo u prvom razredu naučili tiskana slova , tako da nam je ovo bio izazov. Trudili smo se , istraživali , crtali ,...Ipak smo naučili nekoliko novih riječi na nekoliko jezika . Gledali smo što su radili drugi partneri i tako učili od njih .

Pozdrav svima i vidimo se slijedeće godine.

Roberta Barić OŠ Mertojak 2.b razred iz Splita , Hrvatska

We are the second grade of primary school and it was not easy for us to write in Croatian either, because we learned the printed letters in the first grade, so this was a challenge for us. We tried, researched, drew, ... However, we learned a few new words in several languages. We watched what the other partners were doing and so learned from them.

Hello everyone and see you next year.

Roberta Barić Elementary School Mertojak 2.b class from Split, Croatia

Questa è stata la mia prima esperienza in un progetto etwinning. Ottimo il risultato raggiunto, considerando il coinvolgimento delle mie colleghe di lingue e dei miei studenti. Tutti ci siamo molto divertiti.



This was my first experience in this " etwinning" project. Great experience for me, my team teacher and for the students. Amazing experience for all.

Thank you.

Merci .

It was inspiring for me and my students to work in this project. The project was well planned and carried out by partners.


Beata Borowska, SP 91, Cracow, Poland

Etkinliğin her aşamasında öğrenciler aktif rol almıştır. Dersimiz müfredatı ile bağlantılı bir proje olması ayrica cok iyiydi. Severek çalıştık öğrendik ürettik. Herkesin emeğine sağlık. Kabul ettiğiniz için teşekkürler. AHMET COŞKUN BULUT ORTA OKULU ANTALYA TÜRKİYE



Projekt mi je bio zanimljiv. Najviše mi se svidjela izrada digitalnih čestitaka i izgovaranje najdužih hrvatskih riječi. Jako smo se zabavili i nasmijali.


Ana, OŠ "Pavao Belas", Croatia

Project evaluation


Projekt mi je bio zanimljiv i zabavan, ali i poučan. Naučili smo kako je važno poznavati druge jezike, ali i poštivati različitost. Najviše mi se svidjelo zajedničko igranje Kahoota.


Ema, OŠ "Pavao Belas", Croatia

European Day of Languages