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1) Clearly documented processes (printed out and laminated by the reception phone) for staff to follow when a client calls up about an animal with possible signs of infectious disease (e.g. vomiting or diarrhea)


2) Regular staff drills for mock contamination scenarios to keep knowledge fresh and quick reactions for where infectious disease kits are located and checking that they are well stocked, etc.

Communicate with the client clearly to explain how they will be entering the clinic. The receptionist could ask for the make/ model of the car so that staff can look out for the car. Or you could ask the client to call the clinic once they are ready to enter the clinic.

Have a process for reception staff to follow when a client calls wanting to bring in a sick dog/puppy. Starting with appropriate questions (age, vaccination status etc), advising the client to stay in their car when they arrive and letting other staff know a possible parvo virus case is booked in.

Animals suspected of carrying infection could be asked not to enter through the same entrance as other patients. E.g. through a back entrance. They could also be carried so that contamination can be minimised.

Have the clinics phone number written clearly and in large print on the clinic door, that is visible from the carpark so clients can phone from their cars to say that they have arrived and are waiting in the car rather than have them walk through the clinic and potentially contaminate the floor with debris from their shoes.

insure there is an isolation area for contagious diseases like Parvo virus with the needed equipment set up to avoid the risk of parvovirus being brought back into the clinic. Have clients with pets with parvovirus symptoms wait in the car until a vet has come down to test for Parvo

Have a parvo/infectious patient kit readily available so if you need to clean up a mess in a high traffic area (whether that be interior or exterior) you can take the kit with all the PPE, cleaning items, a biohazard, bag and anything else you may need. This will avoid you having to walk into other areas to get the items you need after entering the contaminated area.

If you suspect the patient is infectious, have the client fill out any paperwork/consent forms with disposable pens and plastic clipboards that can be easily disinfected. You may want to take photos of the form, which can be uploaded and reprinted rather than bringing any of these items back into the reception area.

Having suspected infectious pateints stay in owners car until a vet can then come out to them and ensure the animal is brought into the clinc in a safe way without potetnital contaimnation of clinc busy areas

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Implementing Hygiene Protocols