Beagles housed in research facilities do not have access to the five freedoms.
In research facilities beagles are being experimented on for research purposes often to see how they will react to things like cosmetics and medicine. This will in most cases expose the dog to discomfort and in some cases a lot of pain which can be so bad that the dogs have to be euthanised. This does not allow the dogs to be free form pain and discomfort.
After the animal has been repeatedly tested on which results in pain and discomfort, they will live in fear of when they will next be used for testing to go through it again. Therefore, the beagle is not free from fear or distress.
When an animal, in this case a beagle, is being kept in a research laboratory, they are most likely kept in a cage inside the laboratory for nearly, if not all, of the day. This does not allow the beagle freedom to express natural behaviours as it is not even able to go outside. It is not a natural behaviour to be kept in a cage, they can not run, jump, play or socialise as they naturally would.