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We sing, we dance, we learn

Get new frends and have fun



Perjeru Vasilica

Scoala Dan Barbilian, Galati


It’s the journey we take, from heart to mind,

Where art and science in harmony bind.


Olaru Florentina

Stephen the Great - Romania

Journeys are fun when they are from art to science




Ayşe Tursun

Ali Baba İlkokulu


Bilgimiz artıyor.

Ufkumuz genişliyor.






Münevver Yeşildal-Seyrek Ortaokulu-İzmir

From art to science, we find our way,

Exploring new worlds every day.


Nurgül Yılmaz

Niğde Halil Kitapçı ilkokulu

We play, we sing, we draw,

On our journey we have fun and grow.


 Camelia Rusu

Miron Costin, Galati -Romania

Together, we create and explore the world


Zografidou Parthena

5th Kindergarten of Thermi - Thessaloniki - Greece

Let's travel together in the magical world of pictures


Araç Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten

We draw pictures,

We love art.



        Sevgi ALTUNEL

        Toki İlkokulu / Kastamonu


We learn art movements

 We become more informed


Döne Öztürk Şirin

Namık Kemal Ortaokulu-İstanbul

We learn with fun, we love our project





Selda Deveci -Kocaeli İzmit Solaklar İlkokulu

Journey From Art To Science song