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the internet is a safe place, it is the people who surf it who are not.



Bisonni Lucrezia,Leonardo da Vinci School

The people in the other side of screen also have a feeling


Bedini Maria Vittoria

Leonardo Da Vinci school

do not post your personal information or photos


use social media correctly without being unfair

We should not give our password to anyone.

Do not share your personal information with anyone.

Do not open every mail that comes to your e-mail.

Use antivirus program.




Ş.D.P.E Tahsin Şen Secondary School

We do not click on untrusted links, we should not share our private information with unknown sites on the internet



Ş.D.P.E Tahsin Şen Secondary school

We should create strong passwords. We shouldn't agree to meet online friends.



İsmail Ayşe Önük Secondary School

Hi everyone,

Let's write some rules about e-safety. Don't forget to write your name and school.

We shouldn't share our personal informations with strangers.



Ş.D.P.E Tahsin Şen Secondary School

We should use antivirus programs. We should not share our personal information. We must be careful when paying money online.


Adnan Menderes Secondary School

we should not open files sent to us that we do not know what they are



Menderes Secondary School

We should not share our password with others.




Ş.D.P.E Tahsin Şen Secondary School

We shoul keep our privacy settings on



Menderes secondary school

Use strong password


Gazel-Adnan Menderes Secondary School

We should make sure your internet connction is secure

We shouldn't click on every link you see



İsmail Ayşe Önük Ortaokulu

We should not talk to people we meet on the Internet, we should confirm whether it is safe from our family before installing a program, create a strong password and not share our password with anyone.



  Nursena 🖥️

  İsmail Ayşe önük secondary school

We should not share your personal information on social media,we should not message with people we do not know


Ş.D.P.E Tahsin Şen

Secondary School

We must create a strong password with numbers and punctuation marks and not share it with anyone!




Ismail Ayşe Önük Secondary School